如何得到妳想要的餅乾口感?餅乾是大家最喜歡的小點心,但是似乎每個人對好吃的餅乾的口感應該是怎樣各有不同的看法,脆的、軟的、厚的、薄的...同樣的食譜,甚至同一份的的餅乾麵糰可以烤出不同口感的餅乾。可能妳會問:奈ㄟ按ㄋㄟ?其實這就歸因於不同的材料、攪拌技巧、溫度、工具和烘焙時間,都有可能造成不同的影響。Cookies are a favorite goodie of just about everyone. And it seems like just about everyone has a different opinion of how cookies should be. Some people like their cookies crisp and delicate. Others prefer a chewy cookie with a thickness that you can sink your teeth into. The conundrum lies in getting the cookies you bake to have the texture you want. The exact same cookie recipe can bake up into two completely different cookies, the flavor will be the same but the texture will be different. How, you ask? The reasons all lie within the variables of ingredients, mixing technique, temperature, and equipment and baking time. 材料 Ingredients 妳所使用的材料對妳的完成品的口感來說非常非常的重要。使用泡打粉而非蘇打粉,或是使用中粉而非低粉,妳的成品結果會有非常不同的差異,甚至於妳所使用不同種類的油脂對成品的影響也很大。餅乾的基本材料一般為油脂、泡打粉或蘇打粉、麵粉、糖、蛋和其他的液體,下面就各種不同的材料分別說吳哥窟明它們在餅乾製作上所扮演的角色。The ingredients you use are extremely, extremely important in achieving your desired cookie. Doing something as small as using baking powder instead of baking soda or using cake flour instead of all-purpose flour can make a huge difference. Even the type of fat you use in your cookie will dramatically affect its outcome. The basic building blocks of most cookies are fat, flour, baking powder and baking soda, sugar, and eggs or other liquid. 油脂 Fats - 最常被用來做餅乾的油脂就是奶油、瑪琪琳、酥油或是沙拉油(菜油)。油脂在烘焙時對餅乾麵糰的擴散有非常大的影響,換言之,它決定妳的麵糰在烘焙時會擴散成扁平狀或是保持原狀。酥油、瑪琪琳在烘焙時麵糰仍可保持進爐前的原樣,而奶油因為比其他的油脂更容易在較低的溫度就開始融化,所以用奶油較多的餅乾麵糰就比較容易擴散。至於沙拉油(菜油),因為它在室溫已經呈液體狀,所以對烘焙時的麵糰形狀不會產生太大的影響。油脂的用量多寡同樣也影響成品,妳可以這麼想:油脂用量愈多代表餅乾愈扁平、軟。油脂用量愈少餅乾則愈膨鬆。The fats most often used in cookies are butter, margarine, shortening and oil. Fats play a major role in the spread of your cookie. In other words, they help to determine if your cookie spreads out into a thin mass on the cookie sheet or 售屋網pretty much keeps its original shape. Shortening, margarine and spreads are fairly stable so they will help cookies keep their original unbaked shape. Butter melts at a much lower temperature than the other solid fats, so cookies made with it will tend to spread out. And oil, since it already is a liquid at room temperature, produces cookies that keep their shape. The amount of fat also affects the cookies. You can basically think of it this way: More fat equals flatter and chewier to crispier cookies. Less fat equals puffier and more cake-like cookies. 麵粉 Flour - 麵粉同樣也影響餅乾成品。較高筋度的麵粉,如高粉或中粉,會使餅乾較低粉製作的餅乾扁平、色黑而且脆。Flour also affects how cookies bake and behave. Flours with a high protein content like bread and all-purpose flour will help to produce cookies that tend to be flatter, darker, and more crisp than their counterparts made with cake or pastry flour. 泡打粉和蘇打粉 Baking Powder and Baking Soda - 泡打粉和蘇打粉是餅乾製作中最常見的兩種膨大劑。泡打粉其實就是鹼性的蘇打粉加上其他酸性粉末(如塔塔粉)而得到的中性膨大劑。Baking powder and baking soda are the two most common leaveners in cookies. Baking soda is simply bicarbonate of soda, while baking 澎湖民宿powder is a combination of bicarbonate of soda plus an acidic ingredient (cream of tartar). 蘇打粉中和麵糰的酸性,讓餅乾麵糰在爐內較容易上色。而泡打粉因為本身就含有酸性成份的粉末,因為它不會改變麵糰的酸鹼性,因此使用泡打粉的餅乾成品會感覺較鬆而且顏色較淺。Baking soda neutralizes the acidity of the dough, allowing the cookies to brown in the oven. Since baking powder already contains its own acid, it will not reduce the acidity in the dough, and the resulting cookies will be puffier and lighter in color. 糖 Sugars - 選用不同種類的糖以及糖的用量也同樣在餅乾製作中扮演重要的角色。白糖會便使餅乾較使用紅糖或是蜂蜜的餅乾來得脆。事實上,使用紅糖製作的餅乾會吸收濕氣,因而可保持餅乾的柔軟。所以,好吃的碎巧克力餅乾它的食譜中是同時用白糖和紅糖來製作餅乾的。如果妳減少糖的用量,烤出來的餅乾會比用量多的餅乾口感上來得鬆。The type of sugar and how much you use also plays a big role. White sugar will make a crisper cookie than brown sugar or honey. In fact, upon standing, cookies made from brown sugar will actually absorb moisture, helping to insure that they stay chewy. Thus the reason that most chocolate chip cookie recipes contain both brown and white sugars is that you get the best of both worlds! If you lower the 室內設計amount of sugar called for in a cookie recipe the final baked cookie will be puffier than its high sugar counterpart. 蛋和液體 Eggs and Liquids - 蛋和液體它們各自可以使餅乾膨鬆或是擴散。如果蛋是食譜中使用的液體材料,它會使餅乾膨鬆些。一或兩大匙的水或是其他的液體(例如果汁)則會使餅乾擴散而變得扁平。另外,要知道蛋黃和蛋白它們各自也對餅乾成品有不同的影響。蛋黃可增加餅乾的濕潤感而蛋白則恰恰相反。蛋白使餅乾口感較乾,因此一般會在使用蛋白較多的食譜中增加糖的用量,這也是為什麼一般使用蛋白量較多的點心吃起來較甜的原因。Eggs and liquids can either cause cookies to puff up or spread. If egg is the liquid it will help to promote puffiness. Just a tablespoon or two of water or other liquid will help your cookies spread into flatter and crisper rounds. One thing to remember is the different effects of egg yolks and egg whites. Egg yolks will help to add moistness whereas egg whites tend to make cookies drier. To make up for the drying effect of the egg whites extra sugar is added. This is the reason that cookies made with just egg whites tend to be so sweet. 攪拌方法 Mixing Technique 餅乾不像蛋糕製作要求那麼多,但是攪拌技巧對餅乾製作來說仍是非常重要的。做餅乾最重要的步驟就是將材料經攪拌而乳化,它是將油脂和糖一起攪打賣房子至油脂呈較淡的顏色,材料看起來會比較膨鬆而且光滑。攪拌的步驟會將空氣,如果妳的食譜中使用泡打粉或蘇打粉之類的膨大劑妳會需要適當的攪拌。但是要記得不要過度攪拌妳的麵糊,在乾性材料或其他濕性材料加入後一經拌勻立即停止攪拌動作。Cookies are not as delicate as cakes, but mixing still plays an important role. The most important step in cookie mixing is the creaming step. This is the step where the fat and the sugar are whipped together until light colored, smooth and fluffy. This helps to incorporate air into the batter, which you need if you want your baking soda and/or baking powder to work. Another important factor is not to overmix the dough. Once you combine the dry and wet ingredients, mix until just combined and no longer. 溫度 Temperature 不要低估麵糰溫度對妳的餅乾成品可能造成的影響。整型後的餅乾麵糰,如果進爐前先冷卻麵糰溫度,它烤後較容易保持與進爐前同樣的形狀,也會比較膨鬆些。而進爐前麵糰溫度接近是室溫的,較容易在烘焙時擴散而變成較扁平。所以,妳的廚房如果是比較溫暖的,在進爐前不妨考慮先將麵糰放入冰箱稍微冷卻一下。Do not underestimate the importance of temperature in cookie baking. Cookie dough that is chilled before baking will hold its shape and produce a slightly puffier cookie. Cookie dough that 汽車借款is at room temperature before baking will spread and flatten out while baking. So if you happen to have a very warm kitchen, it's a good idea to refrigerate the dough before you bake it. 設備及烘焙時間 Equipment and Baking Time 不同材質的烤盤和烤盤是否有先做塗油(一般為防沾用)的動作也會有不同的成品結果。好的烤盤烤出來的餅乾自然成品大大不同。薄的烤盤會使餅乾底部烤得較快甚至於有焦底的現象,而絕緣材質的烤盤烤出來的餅乾則較膨鬆。如果妳想要平而脆的餅乾,妳可以用最常見的那種有點厚度的烤盤。如果妳在烤盤上塗油,那餅乾烘焙時會擴散得比較快,但如果妳沒有先塗油,那有可能餅乾烤後會黏在烤盤上取不下來。最理想而且方便的方法是使用烤盤紙,它有防沾的功用而且不會讓餅乾在烘焙時擴散。Different baking sheets and whether you grease the sheets or not will produce different results. A good baking sheet can make a big difference. Super thin baking sheets will cause the cookie bottoms to cook faster, sometimes resulting in burnt bottoms. Yuck! Insulated baking sheets allow air movement and will help to produce puffier cookies. If you want flat crisp cookies, your best bet is the standard semi-thick baking sheets that are available just about everywhere. If you grease your cookie sheets before baking, it will cause the 襯衫cookies to spread out more but if you don't grease the sheets you run the risk of the cookies sticking to the sheets and making a big mess. A good and fairly inexpensive solution to this is parchment paper. Its non-stick surface makes for easy cookie removal and yet it doesn't cause the cookies to spread out. 餅乾通常用華氏 350 度至 400 度的烤溫來烘烤,因為餅乾一般的都很小,所以烤得也較快,烤溫的高低也決定烘焙時間的長短。如果妳想要妳的餅乾較軟,烘焙的時間就要縮短一點,如果妳想要它們比較酥脆,就烤久一點。最好的方式是有隻準確的烤箱溫度計、計時器以及經常去查看爐內的烘焙狀況。Cookies are usually baked from 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) to 400 degrees F (205 degrees C). Since cookies are small they tend to bake fast. A difference in temperature can completely change the amount of time you'll need to bake your cookie. If you want your cookies to be chewy, the trick is to slightly underbake them. If you want them to be crispy, bake them a little longer. The best way to do this is with an accurate oven thermometer, a timer and your watchful eye until you get it all down. 所以,妳想要什麼樣的餅乾呢? So How Do You Want 'Em? 所以現在妳知道一些關於餅乾製作的細節,妳如何把它們結合在一起得到妳想要的機車借款餅乾呢?只要參考下列的方法,妳可以得到妳要的。So now that you know a little bit about what goes into the cookie, how do you combine it all to come up with your favorite winning texture? Just follow these tips to get the cookie you desire. Don't be afraid to mix and match, your ideal might just lie somewhere between all the extremes. Start baking cookies - there's a texture to find! 扁平的餅乾 Flat - 如果妳要扁平型的,妳可以全部使用奶油,或是改用中粉或高粉,或增加糖的用量,或是加一點液體到麵糰或麵糊中,或考慮進爐前讓麵糰先回到室溫。If you want your cookies on the flat side, you can do some or all of the following things: Use all butter, use all-purpose flour or bread flour, increase the sugar content slightly, add a bit of liquid to your dough, bring the dough to room temperature before baking. 膨鬆的餅乾 Puffy - 如果妳要膨鬆型的,妳可以使用酥油或是瑪琪琳(同時減少一點點油脂的使用量)、或是加個蛋、或減少糖的用量、或使用低粉、或用泡打粉取代蘇打粉、或是進爐前先冷卻一下麵糰。If you like your cookies all light and puffy, try some of the following tricks: Use shortening or margarine and cut back on the fat, add an egg, cut back on the sugar, use cake flour or pastry flour, use baking powder instead 長灘島of baking soda, refrigerate your dough before baking. 軟的餅乾 Chewy - 如果妳要軟一點的,妳可以在餅乾周圍有點金黃而中央部分還有點軟時將餅乾提早幾分鐘出爐、或是改用紅糖或蜂蜜、改用蛋黃而非全蛋。If chewiness is your desire remove the cookies a few minutes before they are done, while their centers are still soft and not quite cooked through. The edges should be slightly golden but the middle will still look slightly raw. Use brown sugar or honey as a sweetener. Try using egg yolks instead of whole eggs, this will add some extra moistness to the cookies thus helping to be a bit more on the chewy side. 酥脆的餅乾 Crispy - 要酥脆型的餅乾,妳就要讓餅乾在爐內多燜一點點時間,取出後立即放在鐵架上放涼。全部使用奶油的餅乾如果使用高量的白糖餅乾的口感也還是會帶點脆脆的。當然妳也可以試試用高粉來做看看。For crisp and crunchy cookies, bake your cookies a few minutes longer than suggested and immediately remove them to wire racks to cool. Cookies made with all butter and a high amount of white sugar will also crisp up quite nicely. Another trick is to use bread flour. Written by Ursula Dalzell at http://allrecipes.com

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